Last Friday, all the students gathered in the auditorium for the Student Council (STUCO) elections. Our STUCO positions were open to both primary and secondary students. STUCO is a place to collect student ideas, listen to students’ voices, and contribute to building a better student community. It is also a stage where STUCO members step forward on behalf of the students, demonstrate their talents and creativity, and improve their communication, organization, and leadership skills.
🌟 This year we had the following positions open for secondary students:
🌟 Primary students also participated, and six STUCO class representatives were selected from the primary grade levels.
Congratulations to all our STUCO members!
We are excited to see how you will represent your peers and contribute to our school community.
We believe in your potential to make a difference.
Go, AXIS dragons! 🎉🎉🎉
After the STUCO elections, students went to the outdoor area and enjoyed the popcorn and ice cream.
非常感谢家委会成员们为大家带来美味的周五爆米花活动 ❤️