After School Activities and Athletics
We believe that activities beyond the classroom that are unique, challenging, and inclusive experiences will serve our students beyond school as they become bold and compassionate leaders engaging in continuous learning.
After School Activities (ASA) and Athletics are a critical part of a holistic education in which learning is an active process led by curiosity, inquiry, and collaboration. The ASA program supports the Mission of the school to inspire and support every student to find success and contribute to the ever-changing world because they will spark curiosity, ignite a passion, and embolden our students to discover new interests and talents.
After School Activities
The ASA program provides a diverse and wide range of activity areas focusing on the holistic development of our students. There is a focus on providing a truly international program of partnerships and leveraging the local community for broad co-curricular relevance. The activities on offer aim to provide students an opportunity to explores interests and provide foundational skills.
The options for after school activities are released at the start of each semester. Activities are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays after school. The possible options for activities are grouped into the following categories:
Participation in athletics is integral to a student’s total education experience and can help them achieve a healthy and balanced life during their formative school years. The aim is to engage students in opportunities to develop both physical and social skills, experience success, and extend themselves in areas outside the classroom. The Athletics program is connected to our After School Activities program. Athletic activities are offered after-school, with some exceptions. Athletic programs offered are based on student interest and may include netball, basketball, soccer, badminton, and track & field. Participation in intermural and regional athletic conference's provides students the opportunity to participate in sports exchanges throughout the school year.