Welcome from Head of School

Early childhood, primary, middle, and high school represent significant milestones in a child’s developmental and educational journey. Collectively, each plays a vital role in a child’s transition from childhood to adolescence and preparation for university, adulthood, and a happy, productive, successful future.

Achieve Xiamen International School (AXIS) is dedicated to empowering students to be effective communicators, caring and self-confident individuals, and globally minded lifelong learners. The school offers a rigorous university preparatory academic program, in English, with an international, multi-cultural emphasis.

AXIS is an inviting, inclusive teaching and learning environment where there are no “invisible” students, where children’s unique talents and interests are fostered, and where “kids” come before “content”. In other words, we prioritize the child first and then the academic subject content, skills, and concepts.

If you are seeking a friendly, family-oriented environment, where your child will experience a world of discovery, challenge, and where they are happy and eager to come to school each day, Achieve Xiamen International School is the place for your child.

Dr. Don Bergman

AXIS Head of School