Home Learning - Going Online
Vision Statement
The home learning online experience endeavors to support wellbeing and learning through a committed focus on learning outcomes, community-building, relationships, student agency, critical thinking, personal-interest pursuits and frequent learning feedback.
At times events beyond our control may force a full or partial closure of the school campus. For situations such as these, we have put in place an approach to continue learning and wellbeing practices allowing students to continue their learning online or in a remote format (online & on campus). In such circumstances, our commitment is to continue to provide education and whole child wellbeing care. In cases in which we engage in learning online, we have resources designating the experience students will have when school remains in session, but they cannot attend school due to campus closure. Through online learning, our teachers continue to deliver powerful instruction that allows students to connect and meet expected standards.
Remote learning is designed to ensure continuity and consistent progress toward established learning targets for all students, while minimizing further disruptions. It incorporates live instruction and teacher directed elements. In keeping with the AXIS commitment to exceptional education, remote learning experiences are developed to be robust and meaningful. At AXIS, we believe that we should think about our priorities when responding to challenging circumstances and embrace new opportunities for our community to engage in learning in authentic and meaningful ways.